50グラムの小袋サイズのSt. Mary ブレッドフルーツチップス24パック、ジャマイカから直送で届きます。そのチップスは、工場直売製品で、フレッシュな物が提供されます。この製品は、ジャマイカからの直送となり注文後4〜7週でお手元にとどきます。
24 packs of ?small 50 gram St Mary breadfruit chips shipped direct from Jamaica to your door step. The chips are bought ?from the factory and guaranteed to be fresh. Please note: this item is shipped directly from Jamaica and may take 4-7 weeks to arrive.
Note: Do not use COD as your payment method when purchasing goods shipped directly from Jamaica. Please be on the lookout for your package and check the tracking number provided to see the status after a few weeks (2-3 weeks). Be sure to collect your package or look out for the delivery slip in your post box.? If your package was undelivered for a number of times, it will be sent back to Jamaica and you will have to pay to have it re-shipped. Please be on the lookout for your package.